Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Our local preschool

IMG_1330 This is the local preschool that I have just started to help teach.   One year ago Rachael (the teacher)  started this “kindy” (preschool) because there are so many kids who cannot afford the school fees here, and she wanted even the poorest of the poor to have a chance at a good education.  With no previous experience in teaching she left her sales and marketing position because she said she had a dream that Kindy is what she needed to be doing.  She and her family of 6 kids live off her husbands wage of about $65 USD a week.  Her life is inspiring.  I love how she just follows the Lord with out thinking twice, regardless of personal cost!

We meet under a banyan tree at Rachael's house just down the road from our house.   We currently have no shelter so if it rains we don’t meet, but my husband is putting up a tarp for shade and protection from the rain.  The only supplies we have at the moment are a few pencils, some crayons and colored pencils as well as paper, scissors and glue.  We were able to get those through UNICEF.  Rachael applied last year for some stationary aid from them and was also able to apply through another aid group to have 4 kids (her whole class last year) go to school on scholarships!  The school is also planning on accepting this years graduates on scholarships as well!  This is awesome as most of these kids wouldn’t have any other way to afford school fees.  The parents are so grateful!IMG_1333

Rachael and I just met to work on a new curriculum that we will be implementing soon.  It allows the kids a chance to excel in Memory, Bible, art, science, language, math and interpersonal skills. The other teacher and I meet once a week to plan the weeks curriculumand pray for our students.  IMG_1335

It is such an awesome opportunity to get involved and my children are attending and really enjoy it as well. IMG_1338

Our biggest struggles include not having a bathroom for the kids, personal hygiene, and a proper set up as far as chairs or a table of some sort.  We currently just sit on a piece of plastic on the ground and sit around a board on the ground to write on.   IMG_1337

Our greatest joys are the sweet little kids that show up every day from 7:30 to noon.  We include play time and snack as well.  I am really excited to see how our new curriculum goes.IMG_1328

1 comment:

  1. good stuff, kristy. good job keeping up on documenting this great experience. we love the photos and are praying for you all.

    keep us posted on what happens with the land, as well.

    much love,

    ty, ailsa and hux
