Friday, April 17, 2009

Preschool is growing!


World vision came to our school to donate a few toys and small colored books after a request was put in so that was a huge blessing.  We were missing quite a few kids as it had been a bit rainy and we usually cancel for lack of facilitys on a rainy day, but we stayed for the World vision workers (the two ladies one by me and the other by Pierce).


We seem to literally get a few new kids a week, but because the kids get sick so often we maintain our numbers of attendance at about 20.


Some of our kids like this little boy Jimmy are completely neglected!  They come to school dirty, with out having had breakfast (they walk on thier own to school), and when they are sick they are just left in the house on the dirt floor all day alone.  We found out Jimmy had been missing school cause  his parents left him with pink eye in his house alone with a fever and no medicine and no one to take care of him!  SHOCKING…  We are learning who we need to check in on.IMG_1395

The little boy in the blue and red shirt on the right is named Joel and the same thing happend to him.  The teacher went to see where he had been and found him alone on the dirt floor with a fever and a stomache ache dirty and with everyone gone to town.  No one was getting medicine for him or caring for him.  We have also seen signs of abuse that lead us to believe he is NOT treated well.  IMG_1397

Richard above, is only about 3 or 4 but his mom treats him badly and leaves him alone all the time to wander the village.  He often ends up at our house for luch.  He is always welcome, so when he is wandering around with his parents gone and the shack locked up he sometimes comes over.  We are finding that preschool is not the end of our work and figuring out how to show these children love and help them practically is more important than ABC’s.  We are looking into finding out if these children’s parents really want them or if there needs to be some intervention to get them into homes where they will be cared for.


There is so much need here!  We have a family ministries team coming in to work with us at YWAM so we are hoping to arrange parenting classes to help.  These children need an advocate so that is where we feel God has us helping.  Please be praying!

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